Ep. 6: Snow Camping in the Winter Wonderland with iKamper Annex Plus

Ep. 6: Snow Camping in the Winter Wonderland with iKamper Annex Plus

Hey everyone, welcome to another episode of our winter series! This time, we set off on a local trail, eager to find a special spot for our snow camping adventure. And boy, did we strike gold – we found ourselves in an absolutely enchanting winter wonderland.

Imagine a secluded spot, untouched and covered in a blanket of fresh snow, just waiting for us to set up camp. It was like stepping into a private, peaceful world, away from everything else.

There, surrounded by the quiet beauty of the snow, we found warmth not just from our gear, but in the simple pleasures of life – a bowl of warm stew, cups of steaming tea, and hearty food that tasted extra delicious in the chilly air. It's these little things that make winter camping so special.

Our Annex Plus proved to be a superstar, keeping us cozy and comfortable even in the frosty outdoors. As we sat there, snug and happy, we couldn't help but raise our mugs to you all, sending warm holiday wishes from our snowy slice of heaven.

So, come along and join us in this episode as we embrace the joys of snow camping. Let's celebrate the beauty of winter together!



The products featured below were either by our own brand or provided by our brand partners for collaboration purposes. Rest assured, we only highlight items we genuinely recommend and stand behind. Feel free to explore the links; we're confident you'll find something you love.

-- Featured Products in This Video --

https://silentfamily.ca/ (Global)

 - DC-12V Heating Mat: POCKET BED DC-S 

 - Fire Reflector: MC RANCH OVERLAND The Original Fire Reflector


-- Affiliate Products with Discount Codes --

* IKAMPER (US) Rooftop Tent and Acc
 - Free Shipping 


-- Other Recommended Products --

* Winter Boot: POLYVER Premium Low Black Boot Thermo + insulation



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