Welcome to our passionate world, where a group of talented individuals comes together with a shared vision and the determination to make our dreams a reality. With a track record of excellence in various fields, we've decided to embark on a journey to create something truly exceptional that sets our hearts on fire.
PEOS is more than just a company; it's a playground for our imaginations. A place where creativity, ideas, and talents blend seamlessly to craft exceptional designs and build powerful brands. We're a humble crew of wonderfully crazy individuals, starting from the ground up, with no silver spoons to rely on.
In this video, we're thrilled to showcase some of the samples that we've poured our hearts into. You'll catch a glimpse of the remarkable brands we've had the privilege to work with as we come together and greet the camera for the first time as the PEOS team.
Join us on this adventure of a lifetime we have just begun, where creativity knows no bounds and dreams take flight. Together, we are PEOS and can't wait to share our journey with you.
Headquarters: BC, Canada
Website / Instagram
Research & Development: South Korea
Website / Instagram
[ Location ]
49°05'19.4"N 121°27'15.4"W
The products featured below were either by our own brand or provided by our brand partners for collaboration purposes. Rest assured, we only highlight items we genuinely recommend and stand behind. Feel free to explore the links; we're confident you'll find something you love.
[ Featured Products in This Video ]
* https://silentfamily.ca/ (Global)
- Portable Stove: PEOS Base Camp Stove
- Mosquito Coil Holder: PEOS FM Mosquito Coil Holder
- Tarp: PEOS Reversible Wing Tarp 4.2
- Coffee Filter Storage: PEOS Coffee Filter Storage Bag
- ISO Butane Cover: PEOS ISO Butane Protective Cover-Shark Mouth
- Toy for Dripbag Coffee: PEOS Tactical Dripbag Coffee Holder
- Foldable Box: PEOS Field Box
- Packable Tote Bag: PEOS Packable Tote Bag
[ Affiliate Products with Discount Codes ]
* IKAMPER (US) Rooftop Tent and Acc.
- Free Shipping
* ICECO (US & Canada) Fridge/Freezer
- 12% Off Discount Code: SF
* FLEXTAIL (Global) Lights and Gadgets
- 15% Off Discount Code: SilentFamily15
* JACKERY (US) Solar Generator
* JACKERY (Canada) Solar Generator
[ Products with Exclusive Coupon Codes ]
* OLIGHT (Canada) Lantern & Flesh Light
- 10% Off: V5MV
[ Other Recommended Products ]
* Camp Lights: CLAYMORE
* Camp Chair: FRONT RUNNER Expander Camping Chair